Welcome to the website of the Chair of Multimedia Technology!

The Interactive Media Lab Dresden (Chair of Multimedia Technology) at the Institute of Software and Multimedia Technology of the Faculty of Computer Science at TU Dresden was established in April 2012 and is led by Prof. Raimund Dachselt.

The Interactive Media Lab at the Technische Universität Dresden is conducting research primarily in the field of modern Human-Computer Interaction and interactive Information Visualization. Our main focus are natural user interfaces, in particular the development of interaction techniques and data visualization approaches using various interaction modalities (multitouch, pen, gaze, tangibles, gestures) and their combination. Typical research setups are multi-display and Mixed Reality environments as well as wearables for augmenting humans. We apply our basic research results to several application domains, like biology, medicine and cyber-physical systems, and develop domain-specific solutions.

We are pleased to present exciting topics and results of our research and teaching activities. At Research you can find information about the Publications, Research Projects as well as our Partners. In the section Teaching we provide information about current Courses and Thesis Topics of the chair.

Latest News

Prof. Dachselt new CPEC Spokesperson

At a general meeting of the Transregional Collaborative Research Center 248 Center for Perspicuous Computing (CPEC), Raimund Dachselt was elected as the new spokesperson. Since January 2025, he has headed the transregional research network – together with the now vice spokesperson, Prof. Holger Hermanns, from Saarland University. The large-scale collaborative research initiative with 21 project leaders Continue reading

PhD Defense of Ricardo Langner

On December 16th, 2024, Ricardo Langner successfully defended his dissertation.

The topic of his dissertation “Exploring Mobile Device Interactions for Information Visualization” deals with the question of how mobile devices can be used for visualization use cases beyond personal data exploration.

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Innovation Award for Dr. Konstantin Klamka

On November 12th, at Schloss Eckberg, Dr-Ing. Konstantin Klamka was honored with the Innovation Prize of the Industrieclub Sachsen e.V. for his summa cum laude dissertation on “Blending the Material and Digital World for Hybrid Interfaces”.

His dissertation on physical computing addresses hybrid user interfaces that blend the material and digital worlds.

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Commerzbank Prize for Dr. Wolfgang Büschel

On October 25th, Dr. Wolfgang Büschel was awarded the dissertation prize of Commerzbank’s Dresden Cultural Foundation for his outstanding doctoral thesis on “Spatial Interaction for Immersive Mixed-Reality Visualizations” .

In his dissertation, Dr. Büschel studied natural interaction possibilities for immersive data visualizations in mixed-reality environments.

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IEEE ISMAR 2024 in Seattle

From October 21 to 25, this year’s ISMAR conference took place in Seattle, USA. This year, the Interactive Media Lab was represented in person by Katja Krug as a student volunteer and contributing author, together with other members from our lab who attended virtually.

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Quick Access


Research projects and publications of the Interactive Media Lab Dresden.


Information about lectures and courses as well as theses offered by our group.

Dresden Talks on
Interaction & Visualization

Talks of renowned researchers and people from the industry about human computer interaction, visualization, and visual computing.

German Pre-CHI 2023
Banner: German Pre-CHI 2023
Center for Perspicuous Computing
Banner: Center for Perspicuous Computing
IMLD Introduction (german only)
Banner: IMLD Introduction (german only)
Jobs @ IML
Banner: Jobs @ IML