
Principal topics

Student theses are assigned by arrangement in the following subject areas, among others:

Areas Contact person
Collaboration in Multi-Display Environments

Scalable Immersive Environments
Combining immersive technologies like Augmented Reality (AR) with existing systems and devices (e.g., desktop PCs, tablets, …). Allowing a wide set of users access to Mixed Reality Spaces.
The main use case revolves around visual data analysis, especially on multiscale visualizations. The analysis process includes providing the data, visualizing the data, organizing the visualizations, and interacting with the data or the visualizations.
Marc Satkowski
Operating Room scenarioAugmented Reality, 3D visualization and alternative interaction possibilities in the future Operation Room
Possible thesis could include but are not limited to:

    • Preoperative exploration of and interaction with medical image data (e.g. CT)
    • Intraoperative visualization of an augmented patient model
  • Possibilities for interaction with medical image data during surgeries
Mats Ole Ellenberg
Physical Affordances and Natural User Interface in Immersive Environments
Possible theses could include but are not limited to:

  • Coordination and Distribution of Interaction and Visualization Between Mobile Devices and Head-Mounted Augmented Reality
  • Investigation of Physical Affordances by Everyday Products and Environments in Augmented Reality (Especially Placements)
  • Empirical User Study Design; Observation, Measurement, and Analysis of User Attitude and Behavior

For further individual offers please contact Weizhou Luo via mail.

Weizhou Luo
Explainability, Interpretability and Games
Possible theses could include but are not limited to:

  • Solutions for explainable and interpretable Artificial Intelligence and Formal Methods (e.g., machine learning, description logics, argumentation, model checking)
  • Design and development of games for scientific purposes (e.g., labeling, data preparation, DNA sequencing)

Please contact Julián Méndez via mail for more information.

Julián Méndez
Augmented Reality & Everywhere InteractionAugmented Reality & Everywhere Interaction
For further individual offers please contact the responsible person.
Wolfgang Büschel
Mobile Information VisualizationMobile Information Visualization
Use of mobile devices for interactive information visualization; typical key aspects:

  • Combination of mobile devices with other displays/devices, for instance several tablets and smartphones or smartphones and large interactive displays
  • Multi-user or collaborative data analysis
  • Multiple visualization views distributed and coordinated across several devices
Ricardo Langner

Interested in a Thesis Topic

If you are interested in writing a thesis at the Chair of Multimedia Technology, please contact the person responsible for a specific topic directly. If you are interested in multiple topics, please let us know from the beginning. Your initial email should contain at least the following information:

  • Name, matriculation number, course of study, year of enrollment
  • Type of the thesis (z. B. Bachelor, Master, Großer Beleg, Diploma, …)
  • Desired time span for the thesis; Earliest possible start date and latest possible end date. In special cases specific deadlines or commitments.
  • What subject area or research area are you interested in and why? (If several, then prioritize them)
  • How would you describe your general skills? (e.g. theorist/designer/study experience/etc.; programming languages)
  • What are your personal goals/desires with regard to the thesis?
  • Which relevant lectures/classes have you attended so far? And why are they relevant for the above mentioned topics or research areas?
  • Which ideas and concepts do you already have concerning the above mentioned topics or research areas?