LNDW 2024

The Long Night Of Science of 2024 saw the participation of our Interactive Media Lab both in the APB building in front of the Alte Mensa’s entrance.

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This year’s OUTPUT hosted several student projects and theses from our Interactive Media Lab, as well as a dissertation award.

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ISMAR 2023 Workshop on “Hybrid User Interfaces”

From the 16th to the 20th of October, the 22nd IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR 2023) was held Sydney, Australia. The ISMAR conference explores exciting contributions in the commercial and research activities involving Augmented, Mixed and Virtual Reality.  As part of the conference, and along with other top researchers in the area, Raimund Dachselt co-organized the first Workshop on “Hybrid User Interfaces”.
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EuroVis 2023 in Leipzig

The 25th Eurographics Conference on Visualization (EuroVis 2023) was hosted as an in-presence event at the Leipzig University, in Germany, from June 12 to 16. Our researchers Marc Satkowski and Julián Méndez had the pleasure of attending the wonderful talks, with Julián also presenting our invited Computer Graphics Forum (CGF) article “Evonne: A Visual Tool For Explaining Reasoning with OWL Ontologies and Supporting Interactive Debugging“, a result of our collaborative work within the Transregional Collaborative Research Centre 248 (CPEC).

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